knee compression sleeve

Er is nog zo veel dat ongezegd is. (Rutger Kopland)


Out of Africa, digitale flessenpost – DEEL 3

23 maart 2015

Out of Africa, digitale flessenpost – DEEL 3

                           ‘Ex africa semper aliquid novi’ (Plinius de Oudere)

Kaapstad – Paarl – Franschoek – Stellenbosch – Fairview – Kaapstad


Over taal en geloof, kunst en (genees-)kunde, diamanten en kanonnen, Mandela en Mercedes

“Medicine must bring back the joy in the life of the patient. Medicine must give the patient something to celebrate. When medicine cannot do this anymore,then the goal of medicine must be to allow the patient to die a death as quickly and as painlessly as possible.”  Christiaan Neethling Barnard (1922 – 2001)

Zuidelijk Afrika 21-1 – 24-01-2015 Flessenpost DEEL 3

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